Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dear Self 5 Years From Now...

Dear Self 5 years from this moment...

Here I am, creating the first blog post for "Dee Mentions."  The first blog post is equivalent to ground-breaking news.  It's the first piece that is ever written!  If someone were to sift through old blog posts, the first one that draws most of the curiosity might be the first post. 

One might want to know which topic was chosen for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the brand new blog.

What is this blog about?

I created this blog in hopes of drawing attention to my business venture.  I want to help put local businesses on the virtual map.  What do I mean by this?  

  • I want to help establish a brand for your business.
  • I want you to reap the rewards of social media marketing.
  • I want to help carve out a piece of virtual real estate for your business on the web.

But why?

Social media is a great resource for your brand.  It's a wealth of sharing capabilities.  Every business owner should be tapping into social media to gain more exposure than traditional methods.

How can I help you?

I understand the trends of social media.  Everyday, there is something new to learn, a new technique or skill to acquire.  I am dedicated, passionate, and love to continue learning new things and keep content fresh.  I truly believe in social media marketing.  I would be an asset to your business if I were given the opportunity to assist in building and promoting your brand.

What qualifies me?

Social media marketing can be extremely powerful, and I understand this.  I have a personal blog and linked it with my social media accounts and it has literally grown before my eyes.  How can I tell?  Well, I began this blog in January 2011.  From then up to August of last year (2013), my blog was dead in the water so-to-speak.  I had one reader/commentor that entire time, and it was so sad.  Nobody was seeing my blogs.  My posts served no purpose, if there weren't any readers.  I began to feel discouraged.

Want to know what I did?  I took to social media and used tips and techniques to get my content out there.  I built up my own audience.
  • Get organized
  • Create unique content relevant to my niche
  • Connect with other bloggers and readers
  • Share, share, share!

If I can turn my blog around in a matter of a few of months, I would absolutely LOVE to see what I can do for your business!

This brings me back to the title of this blog, "Dear Self 5 years from now."   It may seem like so much work to keep up, as I learn through trial-and-error and on the go, but I truly enjoy everything about social media marketing and blogging.  In 5 years, I'm hoping I can say to myself that I have helped business owners both local and on-line.  I want to help you gain a larger footprint in the virtual world.
Let's see what I can do for you!
Dee Mentions, Social media management | Photography | Graphic Design

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